Instruction Manual

Instruction Manual Dual AutoGate Connect / 2022 Version 3 (GSD-100763)
Page 12
Operating Modes
Sensing Modes:
Rats only mode: (Factory setting)
In this mode only the top sensors are active and so the gate will only open if these
sensors detect rats. The number of triggers can be seen on the display and it
should be noted that the number of “mouse” triggers will always be 0 in this
Rats and Mice Mode:
In this mode the lower sensors are active and if there is a detection then the
upper sensors are checked to verify whether it was a Rat that triggered the
sensors. This mode increase battery drain.
Trigger Modes:
Ordinary Open mode:
In the “Ordinary” trigger mode the gate will open when there have been 3
triggers from either Rats or 3 triggers from small rodents.
Note: It requires 3 triggers from Rats or 3 triggers from small rodents to cause the
gate to open. The number of triggers can be seen on the display.
Instant Open Mode:
In “Instant Open” mode the gate will open when there has been a single trigger,
depending on the sensing mode, this will be either from rats or small rodents.