Instruction Manual

Instruction Manual Connect Radar 2022 Version 4.0 (GSD-100549)
Page 11
Cleaning / Maintenance
Radar requires no maintenance other than cleaning and management
of the batteries and CO
Radar units should NOT be cleaned internally with water or wet cloths,
or any form of spray cleaner. Externally the units can be cleaned with a
dry cloth, and internally a dry cloth or dry soft brush only.
Ensure that you wear protective gloves during the cleaning of the unit.
Remove the dead mouse and dispose of it in accordance to standard
protocol. Remove any external dirt, paying particular attention to any
accumulated dirt on the underside of the unit.
Clean the inside of the unit, cleaning any fur, urine, droppings, etc.
Battery Change
Alkaline batteries should be disposed of in accordance with local, national or state
regulations, or recycled where such facilities exist. It is recommended that battery packs
are replaced when there is a low battery alert for the device, or if the solenoid fails to
activate during testing. Exhausted batteries are to be removed from the Radar and
disposed of as above.
To replace the battery remove the label which holds it in place, remove the connector
from the electronics board and remove the battery.