User's Manual

System Settings Submenu
Mechanical Settings Submenu
Type Range: Gas/Elec or Heatpump Default: Gas/Elec
Selects HVAC type, Gas/Electric or Heatpump
Fan Type Range: Gas or Elec Default: Gas
Selects the Fan type if system is Gas or Electric
C/O Type Range: w/Cool or w/Heat Default: w/Cool
Set the Heatpump Changeover type
Stage Heat Range: Y or N Default: N
Enables the 2
Stage Heat operation
Aux Heat (HP) Range: Y or N Default: Y
Enables the Auxiliary Heat operation. Typically the Aux Heat will be heat-strips in a
Heatpump system
Stage Cool Range: Y or N Default: N
Enables the 2
Stage Cool operation
Schedule Enable Range: Y or N Default: N
When enabled, the local thermostats scheduler function is enabled.
Recovery enable Range: Y or N Default: N
For Heat Pump Systems. Intelligent setback recovery is an automatic advance start of heating to
allow the system to be at setpoint by the schedule time, without the use of Aux heating.
Note on Delta Settings : The Delta T Setting is the delta, or difference between, the setpoint and
current temp for determining when a heat or cool call comes on. The “delta” is the number of
degrees away from setpoint.
H/C Delta Range: 3 - 15 degrees. Default: 3.
Sets the minimum separation between heating and cooling setpoints. Attempts to lower the
cooling below the heating setpoint by this amount will PUSH the heating setpoint down to maintain
this separation. Same for setting the heating setpoint above the cooling setpoint, it will PUSH the
cooling setpoint up to maintain this separation.
Heating Delta Stage 1 ON Range: 1 to 8 degrees Default: 1
Sets the delta from setpoint that stage 1 heating starts.
Heating Delta Stage 1 OFF Range: 0 to 8 degrees Default: 0
Sets the delta from setpoint that stage 1 heating stops. Stage 1 turns off at setpoint + Delta Stage 1.
Heating Delta Stage 2 ON Range: 1 to 8 degrees Default: 2
Sets the delta from setpoint that stage 2 heating starts.
Heating Delta Stage 2 OFF Range: 0 to 8 degrees Default: 0
Sets the delta from setpoint that stage 2 heating stops. Stage 2 turns off at setpoint + Delta Stage 2.
Heating Delta Stage 3 ON Range: 1 to 8 degrees Default: 3
Sets the delta from setpoint that stage 3 heating starts.
Heating Delta Stage 3 OFF Range: 0 to 8 degrees Default: 0
Sets the delta from setpoint that stage 3 heating stops. Stage 3 turns off at setpoint + Delta Stage 3.
Cooling Delta Stage 1 ON Range: 1 to 8 degrees Default: 1
Sets the delta from setpoint that stage 1 cooling starts.