User's Manual

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Dispose of this device in accordance with local regulations.
9. EMC information
Your unit has been designed to meet EMC standards throughout its Service Life without
additional maintenance. There is always an opportunity to relocate your DreamStation 2
Therapy Device within an environment that contains other devices with their own unknown
EMC behavior. If you believe your unit is aected by locating it closer to another device,
simply separate the devices to remove the condition.
Pressure and Flow Accuracy
If you suspect that the pressure and/or ow rate accuracy is aected by EMC interference
remove power and relocate the device to another area. If performance continues to be
aected discontinue use and contact your home care provider.
and Pulse Rate Accuracy
The DreamStation 2 therapy device is designed to capture the SpO
and pulse rate oximetry
data within the accuracy specication described in the sensor manufacturer’s instructions
for use. When 4 hours of successful oximetry data have been achieved the device indicates
this to the user by displaying “SpO2 Successful”. If you suspect that your unit is aected by
EMC interference remove power and relocate the device to another area. If performance
continues to be aected discontinue use and contact your home care provider.
Guidance and Manufacturer’s Declaration - Electromagnetic Emissions – This device is
intended for use in the electromagnetic environment specied below. The user of this
device should make sure it is used in such an environment.
Emissions TEsT ComplianCE ElECTromagnETiC EnvironmEnT - guidanCE
RF emissions
Group 1
The device uses RF energy only for its internal
function. Therefore, its RF emissions are very low
and are not likely to cause any interference in
nearby electronic equipment.