Operation Manual

Miscellaneous Settings
Allows control over a range of assorted
preferences for your AXiS XS.
In order, the miscellaneous settings are:
The default language on your AXiS
XS is English. To change, just pick
an option from the available list.
Alarm Snooze
Lets you specify the delay interval
between alarms (see page 26).
Congurable from 1 to 30 minutes.
When using your radio in a dark location,
such as a bedroom, the light from AXiS XS’s
touchscreen may prove to be a distraction,
even when the radio is in standby mode.
To avoid this situation, we have provided
the option to switch off the touchscreen
backlight when in standby mode.
Standby Backlight
When this feature is activated, the AXiS XS
display will switch off after a pre-dened
period of time. The display can be easily
re-activated by simply moving the volume
dial in either direction, allowing you to
check the time or alarm status. The display
will then ‘go to sleep’ again after the
pre-dened timeout period has elapsed.
To activate this feature, select “Miscellaneous
Settings” from the “Settings” menu, then
“Standby Backlight Off”, then choose
your desired timeout period from the
available list. After selecting your desired
timeout duration, the feature will now be
activated. To de-activate, select “Standby
Backlight Off”, then choose “Never”.
Please note that this setting is only
applicable to standby mode, and will not
have an effect on the operation of the
touchscreen backlight in any other mode.
Software Update
From time to time, software updates
will become available for your AXiS XS.
Some of these will be for maintenance,
but some will also add new features to
the AXiS XS system. These updates will
download via your network connection.
If you have the Software Update option
enabled, AXiS XS will automatically
check for new software every time it
connects to the internet. If an update is
available, it will ask for your conrmation
before commencing download.
Software updates will allow all your user
settings to be maintained, although will
take a few moments to download and
require a restart of your AXiS XS.
Miscellaneous Settings
Alarm Snooze
Software update
Check for Updates
10 Mins
Please note: Before carrying
out any software update, ensure
that your AXiS XS is connected
to a stable power supply.
Disconnecting the power during a
critical phase of an update could result
in permanent damage to your AXiS XS.
Check for Updates
If you don’t want AXiS XS to automatically
check for new software, you can still
check for updates on-demand by clicking
on Check for Updates. This will use your
internet connection to access the latest
version and tell you whether or not your AXiS
XS is up-to-date. If there is new software
available, you will be asked to conrm
whether you wish to proceed to download.
Software Version
Simply displays your AXiS XS’s current
software installation version. This will be
potentially useful if you need to seek technical
support with some aspect of your AXiS XS.
Factory Reset
This option resets AXiS XS to its default
factory values, erasing any personal
settings which may have been congured,
such as Time & Date, Network Proles
and Favourite Station Presets.
Your AXiS XS’s current software version will
be maintained, as will its registration with the
Internet Radio Portal. If you have registered
favourite stations via the internet portal, these
will be maintained, unless you re-register your
AXiS XS with another account on the portal.
16.20pm 31 Jul 2012