Operation Manual

SHARED MEDIA (From a UPnP Media Server)
In MUSIC PLAYER MODE select SHARED MEDIA. If you have set up
shared media (as described on page 23), you should see an entry,
for the server you set up, example “SB-Laptop: Audio”. If you have
more than one computer sharing media, the alternatives are listed.
Select the shared media you want to play.
From this point on, the menus are generated from the shared media
server (typically Windows Media Player). The fi rst menu shows a
list of media types, for example music, video, pictures and playlists.
SUPERCONNECT can only play music and playlists.
There is also a search function, which fi nds tracks in a similar way to
Internet radio search, as described on page 19.
For music there are numerous ways of selecting tracks, including:
Genre | Artist | Album | Composer | Rating
Once you have found a track you want to play, press the select
button to select. A short press plays the track immediately, while a
long press will add the track to the PLAYLIST.
SB-laptop: Audio
Music >
Video >
Pictures >
Playlists >
Music >
All Artists >
Contributing Artists >
Album Artists >
Composers >