Product specifications

Using Multiple Systems
If more than one Base Station is required for an area, each unit needs to be interconnected with a
sync cable using the supplied mini-phoenix connector. The three terminals correspond to positive
+, negative
, and ground
. Use the screws on top of the connector to first loosen the terminal to
insert an appropriate three conductor cable (3 conductors, or 2 conductors and shield), and then
tighten the screw to secure. Push the connector onto the pins labeled BUS. Each addition system
should be connected by paralleling the conductors through the phoenix terminals. For example,
there would be two conductors in each of the three terminals of the second Base Station in a
three Base Station system
One Station needs to be set as the LOCAL (Master) unit by sliding the switch next to the BUS port
to the left. The other units should remain in the REMOTE setting to the right (default position). The
LOCAL unit manages the entire system and distributes microphone transmission across the
available channels to maintain frequency integrity, and also coordinates system muting.
Note: The switch must be in the REMOTE position for a single Base Station system. Microphones
will not function if the switch is in the LOCAL position.
The maximum number of systems for a given area is three 01-EXESYS in North America (24
channels) and four 03-EXESYSEU for EU (32 channels).