Operation Manual

Re:source M37 audio server
Congratulations on purchasing your
Your Audio Server stores and
catalogues your music collection,
allowing you to select any album or
can browse through your albums
and tracks using convenient on-
screen menus displayed on your
television, showing full album, track,
and artist names downloaded from
the Gracenote Music Recognition
you organize your music collection
and create selections for different
Incredible capacity
Your Audio Server is a hard disk
based audio system which can store
thousands of hours of music, all with
Convenient TV screen
Play music, record CDs, or organize
your library using convenient on-
screen menus which show the full
album, artist, and track names,
allowing you to select the one you
Internet access for track listings
Your Audio Server records the
CDs from your music collection at
connects to the Gracenote Music
Recognition Service via the built-in
database provides album and track
information can be downloaded
and stored with each CD you record,
allowing you to select any item in
your music collection by album name,
artist name, track name, or genre,
you access and control your music
Create your own playlists
Your Audio Server allows you to
compile personal playlists and then
automatically play tracks from the
let you customize your Audio Server
for each member of the family, or for
matching the music to the occasion
Instant access, irrespective of your
music collection
Whether you select a track by title,
album, artist, or genre, your Audio
Server locates it instantly and plays
achieved with an extremely simple
and intuitive user interface, operated
using a few keys on the front panel or
Multiroom Control
Perfect sound quality is available to
you in every room in the house using
just one Revox M37 Audio Server,
when used in conjunction with the