User's Manual

1. Unzip file and then double click to install.
2. After installation you will see the icon on your desktop. Double-click
to use it, as shown below:
3. When LUCKY PLAYER is used and a pop-up message appears in the
upper right corner, place the cursor in the range of text and right click the
mouse to view the options. Select allow blocked content as shown below:
4. Click allow blocked content to confirm. Click Yes to display a map with
GPS tracking as shown below:
5. Click on the GPS player to load the video file with GPS tracking
information or directly drag the video file to the player window. The
computer is connected to the Internet while the video is being played. The
player shows a map with GPS tracking information while driving, as shown
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Allow blocked content
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Security Warning
Allowing content (such as script and ActiveX) may be helpful
for you, but the content may be harmful to your computer.
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