User's Manual

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USER MANUAL – Mantis™ II Reader
Programming Options
WARNING – If the IP address to be assigned to the Reader is out of
scope with regard to the subnet mask, the utility will upload the file
system to the Reader but will NOT attempt to retrieve this file
system back from the Reader for verification.
(L)oad Defaults L
L – Load default firmware and network settings.
These are settings as defined in the SSI_info\defaults.txt file.
This command is useful after a (R)eader # command to update to a
standard network configuration before programming.
Errors are displayed if any settings are invalid.
(F)ilesystem Upload to Reader F
F – Create file system and upload to the Reader.
Prior to the upload, the Reader parameters are verified and the TFTP
IP address is pinged. The process will only continue if these are
Creates file system (A.bin, Bcom.bin, caltable.txt, network.txt)
using currently displayed settings, uploads to the Reader, then
initiates self-programming.
If applicable, after re-initialization of the Reader, the file system is
retrieved from the Reader and verified against the original.
Errors are displayed if any vital components are missing, if the
settings are not properly defined, or if there are problems
communicating with the Reader over the network.
Saves the Reader configuration data upon a successful upload.
(T)FTP Addr T
T – Set TFTP address for the file system upload.
This address must reflect the current IP address of the Reader, which
likely differs from the new IP address to which it is being set with the
(I)P Addr command.
Under normal circumstances, this should not have to be changed. The
TFTP (Trivial File Transfer Protocol) address is automatically updated
when the IP address of the Reader is changed and a successful
upload is performed.
(Q)uit Q
Q – Quit the Network-Enabled Reader Programmer Utility.