User's Manual

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USER MANUAL – Mantis™ II Reader
Serial Settings
The Mantis™ II Reader supports operation via a standard RS-232 serial
port, which may be used instead of, or in conjunction with the Ethernet jack.
The Reader will accept commands from either source, or output results to
both. In additional, the serial port doubles as a diagnostic port, providing
valuable feedback about Reader functionality and configuration during
power-up and programming.
Having selected the appropriate serial port (COM port) on your system, use
the following settings in your communications package:
Bits Per Second: 115200
Data Bits: 8
Parity: None
Stop bits: 1
Flow Control: None
ASCII Sending
Send Line Ends with Line Feeds: NO
Echo Typed Characters Locally: NO
Line Delay: 10 ms
Character Delay: 0
ASCII Receiving
Append Line Feeds to Incoming Line Ends: YES
Force income data to 7 bit ASCII: NO
Wrap Lines: NO