User's Manual

Active RFID Tags: Features, Specifications, and Deployment Guidelines
Figure: Minimal Server Room Tag Deployment for Environmental Monitoring
Install one R155/R156 Temperature-Humidity Tag on the front side and one on the rear side of the equipment rack, or
one sensor each on the front of rack containing critical equipment. If the racks have mesh doors, install the tag on the
outside of the rack door. If the racks do not have doors (e.g., open racks or two-post racks), affix the tag anywhere near
the IT equipment about five (5) feet above the floor. Affix the tags using the adhesive pads or the zip-ties and the lanyard
mounts included in the bundle.
NOTE: Do not affix the sensor tags to the IT equipment directly.
Install one R150 Temperature Tag near the AC supply for the room, preferably in the air stream, or mount it in another
area of the room where you want to monitor ambient air temperature.
Sensor Tag Deployment in Data Centers to Monitor RCI
When placing sensor tags in a data center in order to monitor RCI, follow these guidelines:
Attach your tags to the outside of rack doors using either the attached adhesive or optionally the lanyard bezel and a zip
tie that is included with the tags. The former method (using adhesive) allows easier replacement of the sensor battery
when necessary and requires a smaller footprint. The latter method (using the lanyard bezel) is often just a personal
preference of data center managers. With both methods, attaching the sensor tags to the outside of the rack doors
provides the best read range.
For RCI metrics, RF Code’s minimum recommendation is that you place at least three temperature tags on the front (top,
middle, and bottom) of every third (3
) rack door. However, for the most accurate and granular data, you should place
three temperature tags on the front (top, middle, and bottom) of each and every rack. If the racks have no doors, attach
the sensors to the inside wall of the rack.
Figure: Three sensors (depicted as blue rectangles within red frames) mounted on the outside of every rack door.