User's Manual

Active RFID Tags: Features, Specifications, and Deployment Guidelines
Temperature Sensor Accuracy and Precision
The following table shows the temperature sensor accuracy for typical use and over the entire supported temperature
range for R150, R151, and R155/R156 sensor tags.
Temperature Sensor Precision Table
Temperature Sensor
Typical Range of Use
± 1.0° F
+40° to +140°
+5° to +60°
Entire Supported Range
± 1.5° F
- to +158°
-20° to +70°
Tethered Temperature
Sensor R151-0010
Typical Range of Use
± 2.0° F
+14° to +185°
-10° to +85°
Entire Supported Range
± 4.0° F
-67° to +212°
-55° to +100°
Humidity & Temperature
Sensor R155/R156
Typical Range of Use
± 0.4° F
+50° to +140°
+10° to +60°
Entire Supported Range
± 2.0° F
- to +158°
-20° to +70°
Temperature Sensor Calibration
RF Code R150, R151 and R155/R156 sensor tags have temperature-sensing components that are calibrated at the factory
during the manufacturing process. These are silicon-based chips that don’t require field calibration or re-calibration over
time. As the ambient temperature moves toward the extremes, sensor accuracy decreases slightly. The chart below
illustrates this concept.