User's Manual

Active RFID Tags: Features, Specifications, and Deployment Guidelines
The precision of the reported temperature data is also important. Temperature sensor data is handled by multiple RF
Code components as part of the overall solution that includes RF Code Readers and RF Code software (Zone Manager and
Asset Manager). The following table shows the data precision for each product.
Precision at
the Reader
Default Precision
in the Software*
Temperature Sensor R150-5B10
0.06° C
0.1° C
Tethered Temp Sensor R151-0010
0.50° C
0.5° C
Humidity & Temp Sensor
0.04° C
0.1° C
NOTE: Temperature precision can be controlled in the RF Code software via configuration settings to allow for less
precision and therefore reduce the number of data points and data storage needed.
Temperature Sensor Performance in Typical Data Centers
Data center temperatures typically range from about 60° to 110° F (15° to 45° C) with a relative humidity range of 30% to
60% RH. In this environmental range, the sensors for the R150, R151 and R155/R156 deliver their best, most accurate
performance. This is true because the calibration coefficients are selected to ensure the most accurate readings in this
specific range. The most accurate sensor is the R155/R156 Humidity & Temperature Sensor that provides better than one
quarter of one degree Celsius accuracy in the typical data center temperature range, including allowance for quantization
Sensor Product
Accuracy (typical)
Ambient Range
Accuracy (typical)
Temperature Sensor
± 0.47°F
+50°to +140°F
± 0.47°F
Temperature Sensor
± 0.26°C
+10°to +60°C
± 0.26°C
Tethered Temperature
Sensor R151-0010
± 1.08°F
+50°to +104°F
± 1.08°F
Tethered Temperature
Sensor R151-0010
± 0.60°C
+10°to +40 C°
± 0.60°C
Humidity & Temperature
Sensor R155/R156
± 0.41°F
+50°to +140°F
± 0.41°F
Humidity & Temperature
Sensor R155/R156
± 0.23°C
+10°to +60°C
± 0.23°C
Humidity & Temperature
Sensor R155/R156
± 2% RH
10% to 90% RH at 25° C
± 2% RH