User's Manual

CS-490 NA BESPA User Manual Rev2.0 - Part # 11900-439 Aug 2020
-BESPA Overview
BESPA is a multi-protocol, multi-regional Radio Frequency Bidirectional Electronically
Steerable Phased Array unit, which is used to Identify and locate RFID tags operating in the
UHF 840 960 MHz frequency band. A number of BESPA units may be used together with
an ITCS Location Processor to form an Intelligent Tracking and Control System (ITCS).
BESPA comprises an embedded multi-protocol, multi-regional RFID reader/writer transceiver
connected to the patented steerable phased array antenna system. BESPA is designed to
be powered from Power-Over-Ethernet and communicates with a host computer using
standard Ethernet TCP/IP and UDP protocol. Figure 1 illustrates the version of BESPA
currently available. The CS-490 contains the RF Controls RFC-445B RFID reader CCA.
CS-490 is constructed using a Bi-directional Electronically Steerable
Phased Array (BESPA) arranged to provide a single array with a
circularly polarized gain of approximately 7.7dBi and Vertical and
Horizontal Linear Gains of approximately 12.5dBi at all steer angles.
The particular units used in an installation will depend on the system design and determined
by a qualified applications engineer.
Figure 1 BESPA (Bidirectional Electronically Steerable Phased Array) Unit