User Guide

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Reader Startup Tool
INfinity 610 User’s Guide
5.5.2. Tag Performance Page
The Tag Performance page is used to test the reader performance.
Although it is best suited for reading large populations (hundreds) of tags,
as in a multi-antenna portal, it also is useful for range (distance) testing of
one tag with one antenna.
To initiate a timed test, enter the length of test (in ms) into the
Total Query
field. For example, to verify to number of tags read in a 30-second
interval, select
Active Operating Mode, enter 30000, and press the Start
button. The test will complete after 30 seconds and the output statistics are
updated for the query time.
Output statistics are read-only and include: Total Unique Tags, Tag Read
Count, Cumulative Rate, and Current Rate.
Detailed descriptions of the various Tag Performance fields and functions
are provided in the following sections.
Tag read controls are provided by the
Tag Database Query and Scan
Operation blocks. Use the Query controls when the reader is in Active
mode. Use the
Scan Operation controls when in Standby mode.
Tag and reader performance data is provided in the
and Tag Acquisition Analysis blocks.