User's Manual

30 Chapter 3 Software
Timing Tab
Use this tab to configure the device’s card timing and USB keystroke timing.
Card Data Hold Time: This option allows for users to determine in msec’s how long they need to
wait before the device is able to read the next card in line (which is also how long the LED will
remain green after a card read).
default is set to 1000.
Note: This is how long the data is available for the SDK user.
Continuous Read, Sends Data Upon Read: When a card is placed on a device, this option will al-
low the data to be sent continuously.
Lock-Out Time for Repetitive Reads: The time that it takes the reader to read another card.
Must be equal to or greater than the hold time and is only done in 50msec increments.
Note: For a 2 configuration device (pcProx Plus) the lock-out time is the same as card data
hold time.
Key Press Time: The length of time the key is held down. The minimum value is 0. The maximum
is 640. The default is 20.
Key Release Time: Enter the time delay between keystrokes. If set to 0, the reader will output as
fast as it can go. The minimum value is 0. The maximum is 640. The default is 20.