User's Manual

control multi functional printers and much more. Contact our sales office at 1-866-439-4884
Toll Free to find out more.
Can I use your product for tracking meeting registration and training attendance?
Yes. Our products can be used to track training attendance and meeting registration. Contact
our sales office at 1-866-439-4884 Toll Free to find out more on how our products can be used
for meeting registration, training attendance and many other applications.
Why must I poll the USB card reader?
enumeration asks the host to poll at a specific rate. As a keyboard we are polled by the OS every
10msec, the same speed your keyboard and mouse is. We use feature report packets to configure
the readers. We also communicate to the DLL API through Feature Reports for HID devices. The AK0
units that are RS-232 or CDC can speak English with using the ASCII COMMAND PROTOCOL such
as “rfid:help” in Hyper Terminal or putty. We recommend you poll the units every 250msec for the
card id, except for AK0 unit and this with a QueuedID, as the reader will report the age of the card id
up to 52 minutes. Without the SDK the units can send unsolicited card id when the card is in the rf
field. These appear as USB keystrokes or Serial data for RS-232 and CDC models. Take a look at the
pcProx manuals it may help you get a better idea of the AK0 protocol. The HID is a proprietary binary
protocol, where as the AK0 units are open protocol.
Chapter 4 Tips and Troubleshooting