User's Manual

7 Chapter 1 The Basics
Credential Form Factors
Credentials are inactive electronic devices that rely on readers to supply the required power for
start-up and communication. The credential itself, consists of antennas that produce proximity or
contactless frequencies. Proximity and contactless smart card technology cards allow users to
effortlessly manage multiple applications through a single credential.
Data: The data on access cards are a string of binary numbers set with a fixed configuration and
Frequencies: RF IDeas’ access control readers and credentials utilize the low-frequency 125 kHz
Credential Form Factors: With over 300 million physical access credentials in use worldwide, there
are a variety of low and high frequency form factors customers can choose from to meet their
particular needs.
The below illustrates some of the various form factors available.
CSN: Also known as the Card Serial Number, is part of the ISO 15693 standard for vicinity cards
operating at the 13.56 MHz frequency.
UID: The User ID or User Identification, can be encoded as data on the card when a security key is