User's Manual

ECLIPSE2 IPCommander User Manual
transmitter. Maximum deviation setting is 10KHz in 1Hz steps.
Standard values are 2.5KHz deviation for 12.5KHz channel spacing and 5.0KHz deviation
for 25KHz channel spacing. These can be configured on a per channel basis, via channel
The input can connect to the output of the tone encoder, pre-emphasis, line in,
EclipseNet VoIP Networking and audio filters.
6.2.3. Tone Decoder
Provides CTCSS and DCS decoding. The output of this block is audio with the CTCSS tones
filtered out by a high pass filter with a 300Hz cut-off frequency.
The input connects from the FM Demodulator. Standard DCS/CTCSS EIA Tone set is used,
with tones in the frequency range 67.0Hz to 254.0Hz.
A typical configuration connects this block between the FM Demodulator and the De-
Emphasis and Audio Filters.
6.2.4. Tone Encoder
Provides CTCSS and DCS encoding.
Its output typically connects to the FM Modulator. This block uses the standard DCS/CTCSS
EIA Toneset, with frequencies ranging from 67.0Hz to 254.0Hz.
The deviation levels are set via the channel menu: 12.5KHz Channel = 250Hz and 25KHz
Channel = 500Hz. The CTCSS block supports Reverse Tone Burst and a programmable No
Tone Period, at the end of transmission, from 0 to 999ms, set via the channel menu.
A typical configuration has the encoder between the FM Modulator and the Pre-Emphasis
and Audio Filters.
6.2.5. De-Emphasis
Provides a standard FM Receiver de-emphasised audio response.
Required for standard FM analogue base station and repeater configurations. Connects between the
FM Demodulator and Audio Filters.