User's Manual

ECLIPSE2 IPCommander User Manual
will be periodically repeated, for as long as the input remains active. The external input
which is used as the trigger, the polarity of the external input, the text of the message and
the repetition period of the alarm message are all programmable. Optionally, the external
input can also be used to active an alarm within the Eclispe2’s alarm subsystem. This “User
Defined” alarm will generate warnings and an SNMP trap, like any other alarm in the
Eclipse2. Up to two digital I/O blocks may be instantiated.
A list of the external inputs which may be monitored, along with their mnemonics, is given in
Table 2. The mnemonic is the text which is to be entered in the “pin” field of the I/O block,
causing the corresponding pin to be monitored.
Table 2: External inputs which may be monitored
Mnemonic Function
FPUP “Up” button on front panel
FPRIGHT “Right” button on front panel
FPDOWN “Down” button on front panel
FPLEFT “Left” button on front panel
FPSTATUS “Status” button on front panel
FPPTT “PTT” button on front panel
MICPTT Microphone PTT input
TTLPTT TTL PTT from backplane
EXTSQ External squelch input
GPI General Purpose Input from backplane
GPIO pins can also be monitored by specifying a register name and bit position. Such labels
are of the form “rNN”, where “r” is a letter in the range A to D and “nn” is a number in the
range zero to 31. The mapping of GPIO bit positions to functions is not guaranteed to be
constant, so the mnemonics of Table 2 are preferred.
The “state” field specifies whether the high or low state of the input being monitored is to
be considered asserted. The message will be spoken while the input is asserted.
The “text” field contains the text of the message to be spoken. It may contain alphanumeric
characters and spaces. The Eclipse2 system will convert this text into spoken word, using an
in-built speech synthesiser. If the text field is left blank, the audio output of the I/O block
will be disabled. Any audio from the Eclipse2 alarm system will not be disabled.
The “period” field specifies how often the message will be repeated. The message will be
periodically repeated, until the input being monitored becomes unasserted.
The “alarm” field specifies whether an asserted input is to trigger an alarm within the
Eclipse2. A zero in this field means an alarm will not be generated. A value of one means an
alarm will be generated when the external input is asserted. The generated alarm is labelled
“User Definedin the Eclipse2 alarm system. Like any other alarm, the “User Defined” may
be monitored via SNMP, IP Commander or audio. If multiple IO blocks are instantiated, an