Installation Instructions

Operating and installation instructions RF-KIT Power Amplifier RF2K-S
Switching area Close
Touching this switching area closes the user menu;
subsequently the main screen will be displayed
5.2.4 Calibration
This menu item is divided into 3 submenus:
- Poti Cong:
Indication area operating data
- Oset Calibration:
Calibration of the internal power measurement
- Output Power Calibration:
Band specic power matching
Poti Cong
Before the device can be used after installation, some necessary adjust-
ment work must be carried out!
The indication areas inform you about some of the relevant values in this
- Voltage
Current voltage at the Power MOS-FETs
- Current
Current consumption of Power MOS-FETs
- PF
HF-Output at the PA module
- PR
Reected (returning) HF-power
Indication area Voltage
Indication area PF
Indication area Current
Indication area PR
Indication area