User's Manual

USER MANUAL - TRANSMITTER DS SERIES - 30 - 50 - 100 - 500 - 1000W
Rev 1.3
To report a technical problem, select the Report a Problem item and ll in the
relevant detail form. On the page below, in fi g. F3 you can fi nd form for a “Report a
problem” type of topic.
It will be necessary to provide some data such as the serial number and the rmware
version of the equipment.
It will also be possible to a ach les such as images or text les necessary fro
technical support to quickly fi nd a solu on to the reported problem.
A er submi ng the cket by clicking on the red bu on “Create Ticket, you will
receive an email with the number assigned to the cket and with references to be
able to follow the progress of the  cket.
For unregistered users it will be possible to view the status of the cket by clicking
on the entry in the top menu bar “Check Ticket Status” and entering email and cket
number received by email as shown on the page below in fi g. F4.
At the end of the assistance process, you will receive a message within the pla orm
confi rming that the support has been executed according to our internal standards
and will be closed.
It would be welcome to receive feedback through the online support system
expressing your sa sfac on level by lling in a free text eld with a commento for
the support service received.
Fig. F2: Open a new  cket