User's Manual Part 2

DSPbR Series User’s Manual
Document Number 00000.B Page 38/75
At maximum fan speed, which equates to the internal temperature edging up to +70 deg C, the fans will be
running at full speed. This equates to an airflow volume for both fans of 880 cubic meters of air in an hour
(equating to around 0.25 cubic meters in a second). Ensure unrestricted airflow to reducing differentiating high
and low air pressure zones.
Both fans have front panel accessible dust filters, which will require periodic cleaning. Please note that caution
must be taken removing the fan covers and dust filters whilst the unit is operational as the fans may start up or
be running. Although there is a protective guard to prevent fingers from accessing the fan blades, the suction
and fan noise may startle the unknowing.
The dust filters can be removed for cleaning by carefully levering off the plastic fan covers. No special tools are
required and this can be done by hand. A mild soap wash and dry should be sufficient to clean the dust filters.
Should they be perished in any way, please replace them. The fan dust filter part number is located under the
part number section of this user’s manual.
Different configurations will influence the weight of the DSPbR, It is however important to know that the DSPbR
could weigh up to 38kgs, which is considered heavy and a two man lift. There are three handles located on the
front panel of the unit of which only the two side handles are available for lifting the unit. The third handle is to
be used only for the removal of the PSU and is marked with a label underneath the handle indicating that this
handle is not to be used for lifting.
4.3 Earthing and Electrical
Before proceeding with this chapter, if you have not done so, please read and familiarise yourself with the
Health and Safety warnings in chapter 1.2 of this user’s manual.
The DSPbR can be powered from either a DC or AC mains power source. Please check the power connectivity
at the bottom right hand side of the rear of the sub rack frame (viewing the DSPbR from the rear) to determine
which option has been supplied.
Prior to connecting the power source, ensure the unit is well earthed.
Connect the 19” rack earthing facility on the sub rack frame using the provisioned 6mm threaded stud on the
sub rack frame as illustrated in figure 18.