User's Manual Part 3

DSPbR Series User’s Manual
Document Number 00000.B Page 59/75
configured via the Communications Configure page Modem Settings. For alarm notification via SMS
messaging, enable the setting tick box under the Alarms configuration page.
5.4 CSC Front Panel LCD Display, Mode Button and LED’s
Green Active LED Lights up and stays on once DSPbR has finished booting up.
Red ALM1 LED Lights up on critical alarm relay activation. Stays on for duration of relay activation
Red ALM2 LED Lights up on minor alarm relay activation. Stays on for duration of relay activation
LCD Display
When the DSPbR is switched on the RFI Logo is displayed with a backlight on for up to 45 seconds.
After this initial period, the logo remains on and the backlight turns off.
Pressing the Mode Button once will activate the backlight.
With sequential Mode Button pressing, the following real time current information is written and displayed within
the 4 lines of the LCD screen
Second Press: Current IP Address/Subnet /Gateway/MAC address
Third: Set Date and Time
Fourth: PSU rail voltage / battery voltage
Fifth: Modules detected and enabled
Sixth: Module temperatures
Seventh: RSSI levels per channel
Figure 27 LCD Display and LED Indicators