User's Manual Part 3

DSPbR Series User’s Manual
Document Number 00000.B Page 46/75
5.2.3 Log in Page
Please note: If the incorrect username and password has been entered in succession more then three times,
the interface to the repeater will be blocked for 5 minutes. Refer to chapter 5.2.2 IP Address - Reset to factory
default Ethernet addressing for default user name and password.
5.2.4 GUI Tree
The GUI has been structured into two user name and password access levels.
Level 1 (lower): Display and provide access to the Introduction, Status and Logout pages.
Level 2 (higher): Display and provide access to all pages.
System Status
Channel Status Overview
Communications Staus
Alarm Status
System Configuration
Channel Configuration Overview
Communications Configuration
User Management
File Management
Restart Repeater
Current Hardware
Version Register
Alarms Configuration
Alarm Details
dividual Channel Details
Individual Channel Configuration
Figure 23- GUI Tree