User Manual

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Operation Mode: TEW-455APBOoperates as Wireless LAN Access Point or Ethernet Bridge mode.
Wireless Bridge is used when it is not advisable to lay an Ethernet line over a distance. Two AP’s can be set up to
connect over this distance, acting as the wired backbone.
SSID: Service Set Identifier. It is a sequence of characters that uniquely names a Wireless LAN. This name allows PCs
to connect to the correct Wireless Access Point when multiple Access Points operate in the same location. The default
SSID is 11g.
Wireless Mode: The AP or Bridge operates in the frequency of 2.4GHz for 802.11g.
Radio Frequency: There are different frequency channels depending on the country of use. You can choose to set the
frequency channel to use or use SmartSelect for automatic channel selection.
WDS: Enable or disable or disable with multiple PC support. When WDS enabled, all PC connected to bridge/AP can
communicate with each other. When the WDS is disabled, only PC connected to the bridge/AP can communicate with
each other. When disabled with multiple PC support, all PC connected to bridge/AP can communicate with each other,
even if the AP cannot support WDS.
Advance Settings: This is to set the distance for bridging. The default distance is 4-6km.
Remote AP MAC List: The Bridge will only associate with AP whose MAC address is in the list. It is essential to type
in the MAC address of the AP without any spacing in front or behind it.
This page shows the MAC Address and Signal Quality of the units associated to the AP. For long distance bridging,
make sure that you get at least a “good” signal quality for desired performance.
Do not insert any spacing in front or behind the MAC address when using Remote AP MAC List.
Failing to do so will cause the bridge unable to associate with the intended AP.