User's Manual

On-screen Operating Instructions
This chapter describes the on-screen operating instructions of this machine. The on-screen operating
instructions are included in the supplied manual CD-ROM.
Formats of the Operating Instructions
The operating instructions of this machine are provided in the following formats:
Printed manuals
HTML manuals
PDF manuals
For details about the contents of each manual, see p.5 "Manuals for This Machine". The various manuals
are available in different formats. For details about availability, see p.7 "Manuals List".
Reading the HTML Manuals on the CD-ROM
This section describes how to read the HTML manuals on the supplied manual CD-ROM.
1. Insert the CD-ROM in the CD-ROM drive of your computer.
2. Select a language, and then click [OK].
3. Click [Read HTML manuals].
The browser opens.
4. Click the title of manual you want to read.
Recommended browsers:
Internet Explorer 6 or later
Firefox 3.5 or later
Safari 4.0 or later
If you want to read the HTML manuals on a Macintosh, insert the CD-ROM in the CD-ROM drive,
and then open "Manuals.htm".
If JavaScript is disabled or unavailable in your browser, you will not be able to search or use
certain buttons in the HTML documentation.
HTML manuals are available in English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Dutch, and Russian.
On-screen Operating Instructions