Operation Manual

3D Display
Select the 3D relating settings.
3D Enable:
- Off: Disable 3D function.
- On: Enable 3D function, Supports frame sequential 3D at 120Hz.
3D Invert: When 3D synchronous error, user can toggle the item to correct 3D
3D supported format timings:1280x720@120Hz, 1024x768@120Hz frame sequential.
When input timing is 120 Hz frame sequential, the keystone and color temperature function will be disable temporary.
Color Matching
You may require a unique color gamut (range) for a single projector or application,
or you may need to precisely match colors across multiple adjacent displays. Use
Color Matching by Meter Adjustment or by Manual Adjustment to dene the precise
hue of each primary color component (red, green, blue and white).
The x/y coordinates for each color dene its location on the standard CIE chro-
maticity graph. Changing either or both of these numbers will change the hue of
the color, and modify the range of possible colors. For example, changing the x/y
coordinates for red may move the color closer to orange or closer to violet, which
will in turn affect all displayed colors having a red component. Adjust the slide bars
or enter new specic coordinates as desired to dene or change the color gamuts
needed for your environment and applications.
Enable the selected method (Meter or Manual Adjustment)- this will automatically
disable the other method. For both methods, if Auto Test Pattern is enabled, the
solid colored test pattern will be displayed according to the menu item on which you
are positioned.
If the Auto Test Pattern is enabled, the projector will automatically project a solid
color screen when user selects the desired color in Color Matching setting.
For example:
- When “Red Part of Red” is highlighted, the projector is automatically
projected the red screen.
- When “Red Part of White” is highlighted, the projector is automatically
projected the white screen.
Meter Adjustment
1. Using a color meter, enter the current x and y co-ordinates of Red, Green,
Blue and White for the projector image into the Measured Data menu. This
is the reference point for the projector. The default values in the menu are
based on the average for all projectors.
2. After measuring the values for all the projectors to be matched, calculate
the target values.
3. Enter the target values for x, y and gain for each color into the Target Data