User's Manual

call. Cn most [ut not all akeas, the sum o_ REHs should not eqceed _ioe (/.0). To [e cektain o_ the
num[ek o_ deoices that may [e connected to a line, as detekmined [y the total REHs, contact the
local telephone company. The REH _ok this pkoduct is pakt o_ the pkoduct identi_iek that has the
_okmat OS4;;;EKTRRRRR. The digits kepkesented [y  ake the REH pithout a decimal point
(e.g., 03 is a REH o_ 0.3).
/. C_ this ejuipment causes hakm to the telephone netp
okk, the telephone company pill noti_y you in
adoance that tempokaky discontinuance o_ sekoice may [e kejuiked. <ut i_ adoance notice is not
pkactical, the telephone company pill noti_y the customek as soon as possi[le. ;lso, you pill [e
adoised o_ youk kight to _ile a complaint pith the @CC i_ you [elieoe it is necessaky.
6. The telephone company may make changes in its _acilities, ejuipment, opekations ok pkocedukes
that could a__ect the opekation o_ the ejuipment. C_ this happens the telephone company pill
oide adoance notice in okdek _ok you to make necessaky modi_ications to maintain unintekkupted
7. C_ tkou[le is eqpekienced pith this ejuipment, _ok kepaik ok pakkanty in_okmation, please contact
Ricoh ;mekicas Cokpokation Customek Suppokt >epaktment at 1-800-@;ST@CR. C_ this deoice is
causing pko[lems pith youk telephone netpokk, the telephone company may kejuest that you
disconnect the ejuipment until the pko
[lem is kesoloed.
8. Cn the eoent o_ opekation pko[lems (document cam, copy cam, communication ekkok indication), see
the manual pkooided pith this machine _ok instkuction on kesoloing the pko[lem.
3. Connection to pakty line sekoice is su[cect to state taki__s. Contact the state pu[lic utility commission,
pu[lic sekoice commission ok cokpokation commission _ok in_okmation.
10. C_ youk home has specially piked alakm ejuipment connected to the telephone line, ensuke the
installation o_ this ejuipment does not disa
[le youk alakm ejuipment. C_ you haoe juestions a[out
phat pill disa[le alakm ejuipment, consult youk telephone company ok a juali_ied installek.
1. Remain on the line and [kie_ly eqplain to the dispatchek the keason _ok the call [e_oke hanging
2. Jek_okm such actioities in the o__-peak houks, such as eakly mokning houks ok late eoenings.
The Telephone Consumek Jkotection ;ct o_ 1331 makes it unlap_ul _ok any pek
son to use a computek ok
othek electkonic deoice, including @;R machines, to send any message unless such message cleakly
contains in a makgin at the top ok [ottom o_ each tkansmitted page ok on the _ikst page o_ the
tkansmission, the date and time it is sent and an identi_ication o_ the [usiness ok othek entity, ok othek
indioidual sending the message and the telephone num[ek o_ the sending machine ok such [usiness,
othek entity, ok indioidual. (The telephone num[ek pkooided may not [e a 300 num[ek ok any othek
num[ek _ok phich chak
ges eqceed local ok long-distance tkansmission chakges.)
Cn okdek to pkogkam this in_okmation into youk @;R machine, you should complete the _olloping steps4
@ollop the @;R BE;>ER pkogkamming pkoceduke in the Jkogkamming chaptek o_ the opekating
instkuctions to entek the [usiness identi_ication and telephone num[ek o_ the tekminal ok [usiness. This
Cn_okmation _ok This Gachine