User's Guide

You can export schedule data to CSV by clicking Export Data.
To create a user/group schedule, click the blue Create Schedule button on the top left corner.
Enter a name, then click Save.
Next, click on the Scheduled Events tab to define the schedule. Click the blue Create Event
Choose between a Repeating Event and a One-Time Event. In this example, we’re creating a
normal business hours schedule, so we’ll define a Repeating Event.
Enter a Start and End Time, choose a Time Zone, and select which days this event will occur.
Enter a Start Date and End Date (optional), and set the Scheduled State.
Note: A user/group schedule cannot be more permissive than what the Entry allows. In this
example, we’ve defined the Scheduled State as “Standard Security” which only works if the Entry
state is also set to Standard Security or Convenience (but not say, Strict Security).
Version 1.9
Openpath 2019
Page 16