User's Guide

Often, doors will have a Request to Exit button or sensor that will unlock the door from the inside.
Port – select the port for the Request to Exit device to which the Entry is wired.
Mode – this is an electrical term regarding how the Request to Exit device sends the command
to the ACU. Your installer will be able to give you guidance on whether the Mode should be set
to Normally Closed or Normally Open for a particular Entry configuration.
A contact sensor is able to detect if an Entry is open.
Port – select the port for the contact sensor to which the Entry is wired.
Ajar Feature – if enabled, you can specify the maximum allowed time the door can be ajar
before an event is generated indicating the door is ajar. If disabled, there will be no system
action if the door is ajar.
Duration – the maximum allowed time the door can be ajar before events are generated.
Unit – select whether to use seconds or minutes.
Version 1.9
Openpath 2019
Page 25