User's Guide

The Inbound Webhooks screen provides information on setting up webhooks for users and unlock
An outbound webhook subscription allows you to set up a listener for a "hook event," which will
then trigger your choice of either a POST to your own specified target URL, or a "hook action"
which is essentially a customized JSON configuration.
If you specify a target URL, your URL needs to be set up with "intent to subscribe," which is
essentially like a handshake. This indicates that it intends to receive hooks from Openpath. When
you add a subscription with a target URL, we will be sending a request to the target URL with an
"x-hook-secret" header that has a unique value. This same header must be echoed in the response.
Hook actions are currently set up by the Openpath support team to handle a defined set of hooks
that Openpath can process on your ACU. We expose the JSON configuration in the "Hook Actions"
section, but highly recommend that you do not edit the configuration.
Version 1.9
Openpath 2019
Page 37