
RIGOL Chapter 2 Command System
2-68 DG2000 Programming Guide
channel (this channel is taken as the reference source) is modified, the frequency of the other channel
is automatically modified accordingly and always keeps the specified frequency deviation or ratio with
that of the reference channel.
Select the desired frequency coupling mode (
[:SOURce[<n>]]:FREQuency:COUPle:MODE) and set the
corresponding frequency deviation (
[:SOURce[<n>]]:FREQuency:COUPle:OFFSet) or frequency ratio
[:SOURce[<n>]]:FREQuency:COUPle:RATio) before enabling the frequency coupling function. You
cannot set the frequency coupling mode and frequency deviation/ratio after the frequency coupling
function is enabled.
You can also send the
:COUPling[<n>]:FREQuency[:STATe] command to set and query the on/off
status of the frequency coupling function.
Return Format
The query returns ON or OFF.
:FREQ:COUP ON /*Enables the frequency coupling function.*/
:FREQ:COUP? /*Queries the on/off status of the frequency coupling function and the query returns
[:SOURce[<n>]]:FREQuency[:FIXed] {<frequency>|MINimum|MAXimum}
[:SOURce[<n>]]:FREQuency[:FIXed]? [MINimum|MAXimum]
Sets the frequency of the waveform of the specified channel.
Queries the frequency of the waveform of the specified channel.
Refer to Table 2-1
1 kHz
When [:SOURce[<n>]] or [<n>] is omitted, the system sets the related parameters of CH1 by default.
If the frequency value in the command is greater than the corresponding frequency upper limit or
smaller than the corresponding frequency lower limit, the waveform frequency of the specified channel
will be set to the frequency upper limit or lower limit.
When the waveform type of the specified channel is changed, the instrument still uses the frequency if
the frequency is valid for the new waveform type; the instrument will display a prompt message and
set the frequency to the frequency upper limit of the new waveform type automatically if the frequency
is invalid for the new waveform type.
Return Format
The query returns the waveform frequency in scientific notation, with 7 effective digits. For example,
1.000000E+02 (the waveform frequency is 100 Hz).
:SOUR1:FREQ 100 /*Sets the waveform frequency of CH1 to 100 Hz.*/
:SOUR1:FREQ? /*Queries the waveform frequency of CH1 and the query returns 1.000000E+02.*/