
DS6000 Users Guide
Front Panel Function Overview
CH1, CH2, CH3, CH4: analog input
channels. The four channels are marked
by different colors which are also used to
mark both the waveforms on the screen
and the channel input connectors. Press
any key to turn on the corresponding
channel menu and press again to turn
off the channel.
AC: illuminated when AC channel
coupling mode is enabled.
50: illuminated when the channel input
impedance is 50Ω.
BW: illuminated when the bandwidth
limit is turned on.
ALL OFF: press this key to turn off all
the channels that have been turned on.
MATH: press this key to turn on the math operation and decoding function menus
under which to perform (add, subtract, multiply, divide) operations, FFT operation,
logic operation, advanced operation and (parallel, RS232, SPI, I2C) decoding.
REF: press this key to turn on the reference waveform function to compare the
waveform actually tested with the reference waveform to decide circuit failures.
VERTICAL POSITION: modify the vertical position of the current channel
waveform. Turn clockwise to increase the position and turn counterclockwise to
decrease. During the modification, the waveform would move up and down and the
position message (e.g. ) prompts at the lower-left corner of the
screen would change accordingly. Press down this knob to restore the vertical