
MIL-STD-1553 (Option)
MSO5000-AERO option
Trigger on the sync (Data Sync, Cmd Sync, and All Sync) field, Data word, command word, status word, and
Error (Sync Error and Check Error) of the MIL-STD-1553 bus.
Source channel: CH1~CH4
Search, Navigation, and Table
Type Edge, Pulse, Runt, Slope, RS232, I2C, and SPI
Source Any analog channel
Copy Copy the search settings to the trigger settings, and copy from the trigger settings
Result Display Event table or navigation. Go to the specific event through the event table index
Memory playing: view the memory waveforms with the navigation keys by scrolling through stored waveform
data, supporting viewing at three speeds.
ZOOM playing: view the details of waveforms with the navigation keys by panning the ZOOM window
automatically, supporting viewing at three speeds.
Recording playback: play back the recorded waveforms with the navigation keys.
Event navigation: use the navigation keys to scroll through the event search results.
Waveform Measurement
Waveform Measurement
Number of
2 pairs of XY cursors
Manual Mode
Voltage deviation between cursors (△Y)
Time deviation between cursors (△X)
Reciprocal of △X (Hz) (1/△X)
Track Mode
Fix Y-axis to track X-axis waveform point's voltage and time values
Fix X-axis to track Y-axis waveform point's voltage and time values
Allow to display cursors during auto measurement
XY Mode
Measure the voltage parameters of the corresponding channel waveforms in XY time base mode.
X = Channel 1, Y = Channel 2
Number of
41 auto measurements; and up to 10 measurements can be displayed at a time.
CH1~CH4, Math1~Math4, and D0~D15
Normal and Precision (full-memory hardware measurement)
Main, Zoom, and Cursor
All Measurement
Display 33 measurement items for the current measurement channel; the measurement results are
updated continuously; you can switch the measurement channel.
Vmax, Vmin, Vpp, Vtop, Vbase, Vamp, Vupper, Vmid, Vlower, Vavg, VRMS, Per. VRMS, Overshoot,
Preshoot, Area, Period Area, and Std Dev.
Period, Frequency, Rise Time, Fall Time, +Width, -Width, +Duty, -Duty, Positive Pulse Count,
Negative Pulse Count, Rising Edge Count, Falling Edge Count, Tvmax, Tvmin, +Slew Rate, and
-Slew Rate
Delay(A↑-B↑), Delay(A↑-B↓), Delay(A↓-B↑), Delay(A↓-B↓), Phase(A↑-B↑),
Phase(A↑-B↓), Phase(A↓-B↑), and Phase(A↓-B↓)
Analysis Frequency counter, DVM, power analysis (option), histogram
Current, Average, Max, Min, Standard Deviation, Count
Statistical times settable
Waveform Calculation
Waveform Calculation
No. of Math Functions 4; 4 math functions available to be displayed at a time
A+B, A-B, A×B, A/B, FFT, A&&B, A||B, A^B, !A, Intg, Diff, Sqrt, Lg, Ln, Exp, Abs, AX+B, LowPass,
HighPass, BandPass, and BandStop
Source CH1~CH4, D0~D15 (only available for A&&B, A||B, !A, and A^B), Math1~Math4, and Ref1~Ref10
Color Grade Support Math and FFT
Enhanced FFT
Record Length Max. 1 Mpts
Window Type Rectangular (default), Blackman-Harris, Hanning, Hamming, Flattop, and Triangle.
Peak Search a maximum of 15 peaks, confirmed by the settable threshold and offset threshold set by users