Operation Manual

Page 20
Using the Rio software
Write audio CDs
Create custom CDs from your favourite tracks and playlists stored in the database. See the
Rio Audio Manager online help topics, and your computer’s software and hardware
documentation for detailed instructions on writing audio CDs.
Read a CD
Take your favourite songs from a CD and convert them to compressed digital audio tracks for
playback on your Rio or PC. Click on the Get Track Titles button to connect to the Gracenote
Web site—formerly CD Database (CDDB)—for title, artist and track information.
1 Insert an audio CD in your computers CD-ROM drive.
2 The software prompts you to go online to the Gracenote Web site.
If you have an Internet connection, click on Yes to immediately connect to Gracenote.
If you do not have an Internet connection, click on No.
3 Select the tracks you want to convert by clicking on the check box to the left of the
song title.
4 Click on the Start Reading button.
The built-in Internet browser connects you to sites like the RioPort Web site at
www.rioport.com. Search for your favourite audio tracks on the Web and download them
directly to your computer.
To download a song from the RioPort Web site:
1 Click on the title.
2 Click on the Download button.
Use the Help system to learn more
The Rio Audio Manager software includes a complete online Help manual. To learn more
about using Rio Audio Manager:
1 Click on the Help Menu at the top of the Rio Audio Manager screen.
2 Click on Help Topics.
3 Click on the topic you are interested in for detailed step-by-step instructions on using
Rio Audio Manager.
AudibleManager (PC)
The AudibleManager software supports audio books, lectures, public radio programmes,
newspapers, and other spoken word audio programmes.
Use AudibleManager to:
Create an Audible.com account, where you may choose from thousands of spoken word
audio programmes.
Download audio programmes from the Internet to your PC.
Transfer audio programmes to your Rio.
For more information, visit the AudibleManager Web site.