Operation Manual

Page 22
Using the Rio software
Use the Converter window to:
Encode audio CDs.
Save tracks in MP3 format to be transferred to and played on your Rio.
The Connector window is displayed when you
your Rio into your Mac using the USB cable.
Use the Connector window to:
Manage the content on your Rio.
Export audio to your Rio. Choose the track by
selecting “Add...” or drag the desired track to
the view window.
Use the Help system to learn more
The SoundJam software includes online Help.
To learn more about using the SoundJam
MP software:
1 Click on the Help Menu.
2 Select SoundJam MP Help.
Click on the topic you are interested in for
detailed step-by-step instructions.
Click on How To Use This Help System to understand the basics of using
SoundJam Help.
For more information about SoundJam, visit the SoundJam Web site.