Operation Manual

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Rio Carbon
:: Delete Tracks
Deleting tracks from the Rio Carbon using Rio Music Manager involves selecting tracks, then deleting them from
the Rio Carbon.
1 Launch Rio Music Manager.
2 Click Rio Carbon in the left frame to access tracks.
3 Select tracks within a category of tracks. Categories include Albums, Artists, Genres, Songs, and Playlists.
For example, if you wish to copy all tracks from a favorite artist onto the Rio Carbon, click the Artists tab and
then use any of the techniques in Step 4 to select the desired tracks.
4 Use any of the following techniques to select files:
4. Click the Delete icon, .
Clicking the delete icon will remove the selected files from the Rio Carbon and cannot be undone.
File type Technique
Single track, album, or artist.
Click the track, album, or artist.
Multiple tracks, albums, and/or artists. Press SHIFT+Click or CTRL+Click.
All tracks, albums, and artists.
Press CTRL+A.
No tracks, albums, or artists.
Press CTRL+N.
Every track except for the currently selected
Select Edit, Invert Selection.
Tracks can also be deleted from the Rio Carbon using traditional drag-and-drop and copy-and-paste
methods via My Computer (Windows Explorer).