Operation Manual

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Rio Carbon
Why won’t the Rio Carbon
play PlaysForSure Audio
Download, PlaysForSure
Audio Subscription, or
other DRM (digital rights
management) encoded
DRM files may not work properly if the Rio Carbon’s internal clock is no longer
accurate. This can happen if the rechargeable batteries lose all charge for any
period of time. Make sure the batteries are fully charged, then follow these steps:
1 Connect the Rio Carbon to the computer using the USB cable.
2 Transfer any track to the player using Rio Music Manager.
3 Log into the secure service where the DRM encoded files came from.
The Rio Carbon’s clock should now be in sync with your computer’s clock.
DRM files should now play correctly.
Why can’t I transfer
PlaysForSure subscription
service tracks to my Rio
When in MSC mode, PlaysForSure subscription service tracks cannot be
transferred to the Rio Carbon. Change the Transfer Mode settings to put the Rio
Carbon in MTP mode.
I see errors in Transfer
details for some of the
tracks I try to transfer to
the Rio Carbon.
This may be a one-time error with the track, or possibly a permanent problem.
1 Try transferring the track to the Rio Carbon again.
2 Try re-encoding the track again from your CD using Rio Music Manager.
3 Try downloading that track again from your online music service provider.
I see a license error listed
in the transfer details for
a track I tried to transfer
to the Rio Carbon.
This could be a temporary error, the track may be corrupted, Rio Music Manager
may have failed to acquire the license for the track, or you might not have rights
to transfer the track to the Rio Carbon.
1 Log into your online music service, and try transferring the track to the Rio
Carbon again.
2 Try using the application from your music service to transfer those tracks.
3 If the track says it cannot be transferred, try downloading another copy from
your online music service.