User guide

The hips and buttocks tend to be one of the
major areas of the body where fat is stored.
Over time the build up of the fatty tissue
deposits can develop to such a degree
that the orange peel effect is visible on the
surface of the skin. The breakdown of these
hardened fat deposits are difficult to target
with diet and exercise alone. Lipovacuum can be used to
directly target this layer of subcutaneous fat.
The lifting and rolling actions of Lipovacuum also stimulates
the lymph system and local circulation. Encouraging lymphatic
drainage helps to clear toxins and prevent the build-up of fatty
Only use on the areas shown, do not use directly on the
fold under the buttock.
Fatty Tissue Breakdown - Large Head
Maximum 8 minutes on each side
Power level - up to maximum
Move in one direction keep the pressure firm but not painful,
repeat over the area in the opposite direction. Use the highest
power level which is comfortable to you.
Skin Toning and Firming - Large Head
8 minutes on each side
Power level - medium
Slowly and methodically work over the whole area in one
direction only, strokes should flow towards the heart.
Muscle Relief Massage - Large Head
Maximum 8 minutes on each side
Power level - comfortable to maximum
Work the side and large area of the buttock in a left to right
motion, followed by an up and down motion.
Vascular Stimulation - Large Head
8 minutes on each side
Power level - comfortable
Work the side and large area of the buttock in a left to right
motion, followed by an up and down motion. Use a power
level which is comfortable to you.