Operation Manual

Advanced Features
Rio S50 Digital Music Player
Advanced Features
The following main Menu Settings and options are
described in this section:
Menu Navigation
In most cases, navigate within and select Menu
options by pressing the following buttons:
MENU: Press MENU to display the main Menu
system; If a Menu is already open, press MENU
to close. From within a sub-menu dialog screen,
press MENU to close without saving changes and
return to the parent menu. Press MENU to cancel
before selecting or executing Menu options.
PLAY/PAUSE: Press PLAY/PAUSE to move to the
previous item in a menu or dialog.
FORWARD: Press FORWARD to select or execute
a menu option; Press FORWARD from within a
sub-menu to close the current menu and open a
new menu; Press FORWARD from within a dialog
screen to cycle through available values for the
selected option, or to navigate to the next field.
REVERSE: Press REVERSE from the main Menu
to close the current display; Press REVERSE from
within a sub-menu to move up the hierarchy to
the parent menu. Press REVERSE from within a
dialog display to cycle through available values
for the selected option, or to navigate to the pre-
vious field.
STOP: Press STOP to move to the next item in a
menu or dialog.
ENTER: Press ENTER to select or execute a menu
option and close the menu system.
“Player” is displayed in the main menu system if you
are coming from Stopwatch or Tuner modes.
Main Menu system