User's Manual

For assistance, call RITRON at 800-872-1872, or go to
5. If there were any changes made during steps 2 through 4,
press the COMMIT button. This will erase all input messages,
they will have to be re-recorded and the RECORDED boxes will
no longer be checked.
Pressing COMMIT button will not erase the Low Battery,
Power Fail, or Location messages.
6. To record a new message, press the associated RECORD
button and follow the instructions on the Record Message
dialog box.
7. The RECORDED checkbox will now indicate that the message
is recorded.
After you have recorded the message you can review by pressing
the associated PLAY button. The RQT will transmit the message on
the transmit frequency associated with the input selected.
Once your Quick Talk
has been programmed it will transmit on the same frequency as your radio receivers, and will
transmit any coded squelch signals required for your radio system. Before installing the Quick Talk
you should
test for communication with your radio
To test the Quick Talk
radio transmitter:
1 Attach the Quick Talk
2. Turn on your radio receiver.
3. Place a screwdriver, paper clip or other
electrically conductive item across the
Input #1 pins.
4. Quick Talk
will transmit the Input 1
CLOSED messages, which you should
be able to hear on your radio receiver.
5. Remove the short across the Input #1
6. Quick Talk
will transmit the Input 1
OPEN messages, which you should be able to hear on your radio receiver.
7. Repeat Steps 3 through 6 for Inputs 2, 3 and 4 if they have been programmed to be used.
8. If you do not hear the messages, you have probably not properly programmed the Quick Talk
frequency or the Quiet Call
Coded Squelch. In this case, repeat the programming and perform this test again.
Depending upon your programming, the following sequence describes what you should hear with your radio receiver:
1. The RQT transmitter is activated on the Transmit Frequency
and QC or DQC Code programmed for the input
that has been activated.
2. The RQT will broadcast silence for the programmed
Message Delay on TX Time
3. The RQT will broadcast the TX Alert Tone
if it has been programmed.
4. The RQT will broadcast the Location Message
if it has been recorded.
5. The RQT will broadcast the recorded Input OPEN Message
if the input has gone high or the Input CLOSED
Message if the input has gone low.
6. The Input Message will be repeated for the number of times programmed for Repeat Message on each
7. The RQT will broadcast the TX Alert Tone
again to signal the end of message, if it has been programmed.
8. The RQT transmitter will turn OFF and the RQT will wait for the period of time programmed for Wait Time
between Transmissions.
9. If Repeat Message Transmissions
has been programmed for more than one transmission, the RQT transmitter
will again be activated and Steps 1 – 8 will be repeated for the programmed number of transmissions.
Input #1 (pins 9 &10)
Input #2 (pins 7 & 8)
Input #3 (pins 5 & 6)
Input #4 (pins 3 & 4)