User Manual Part 1

Wi-Fi Array
110 Installing the Wi-Fi Array
10. Time and Date Settings: This section specifies an optional time (NTP -
Network Time Protocol) server or modifies the system time if you’re not
using a server.
a. Time Zone: Select your time zone from the choices available in the
pull-down list.
b. Use Network Time Protocol: Check this box if you want to use an
NTP server to synchronize the Array’s clock. This ensures that Syslog
time-stamping is maintained across all units. Without an NTP server
assigned (no universal clock), each Array will use its own internal
clock and stamp times accordingly, which may result in
discrepancies. If you check Yes, the NTP server fields are displayed. If
you don’t want to use an NTP server, leave this box unchecked
(default) and set the system time on the Array manually.
c. NTP Primary Server: If you are using NTP, enter the IP address or
domain name of the NTP server.
d. NTP Secondary Server: Enter the IP address or domain name of an
optional secondary NTP server to be used in case the Array is unable
to contact the primary server.
e. Set Time (hrs:min:sec): If you are not using NTP, check this box if
you want to adjust the current system time. When the box is checked,
the time fields become active. Enter the revised time (hours, minutes,
seconds, am/pm) in the corresponding fields. If you don’t want to
adjust the current time, this box should be left unchecked (default).
f. Set Date (month/day/year): If you are not using NTP, check this box if
you want to adjust the current system date. When the box is checked,
the date fields become active. Enter the revised date (month, day and
year) in the corresponding fields. If you don’t want to adjust the
current date, this box should be left unchecked (default).
g. Auto Adjust Daylight Savings: If you are not using NTP, check this
box if you want the system to adjust for daylight savings
automatically, otherwise leave this box unchecked (default).