User Guide Part 2

Wi-Fi Array
244 Configuring the Wi-Fi Array
Association per IAP. If both station limits are set, both will be enforced.
As soon as either limit is reached, no new stations can associate until
some other station has terminated its association.
16. Overall Traffic: Choose Unlimited if you do not want to place a
restriction on the traffic for this SSID, or enter a value in the Packets/Sec
field to force a traffic restriction.
17. Traffic per Station: Choose Unlimited if you do not want to place a
restriction on the traffic per station for this SSID, or enter a value in the
Packets/Sec field to force a traffic restriction.
18. Days Active: Choose Everyday if you want this SSID to be active every
day of the week, or select only the specific days that you want this SSID to
be active. Days that are not checked are considered to be the inactive
19. Time Active: Choose Always if you want this SSID active without
interruption, or enter values in the Time On and Time Off fields to limit
the time that this SSID is active.
20. To delete SSIDs, click their Delete checkboxes, then click Apply or Save.
21. Click Apply to apply the changes to the selected SSID, or click Save to
apply your changes and make them permanent.
See Also
DHCP Server
External Radius
Global Settings (IAP)
Internal Radius
Security Planning
Understanding QoS Priority on the Wi-Fi Array
Web Page Redirect Configuration Settings
If you enable WPR, the SSID Management window displays additional fields that
must be configured. For example configurations and complete examples, please