User's Guide

Wireless Array
328 Configuring the Wireless Array
below and will display associated information on the Station Assurance
Status page. When a threshold is reached, an event is triggered, a trap is
generated, and a Syslog message is logged.
20. Period: In seconds, the period of time for a threshold to be reached. For
example, the Array will check whether Max Authentication Failures has
been reached in this number of seconds.
21. Min Average Associated Time: (seconds) Station assurance detects
whether the average length of station associations falls below this
threshold during a period.
22. Max Authentication Failures: Station assurance detects whether the
number of failed login attempts reaches this threshold during a period.
23. Max Packet Error Rate: (%) Station assurance detects whether the packet
error rate percentage reaches this threshold during a period.
24. Max Packet Retry Rate: (%) Station assurance detects whether the packet
retry rate percentage reaches this threshold during a period.
25. Min Packet Data Rate: (Mbps) Station assurance detects whether the
packet data rate falls below this threshold during a period.
26. Min Received Signal Strength: (dB) Station assurance detects whether
the strength of the signal received from the station falls below this
threshold during a period.
27. Min Signal to Noise Ratio: (dB) Station assurance detects whether the
ratio of signal to noise received from the station falls below this threshold
during a period.
28. Max Distance from Array: Min Received Signal Strength: (feet) Station
assurance detects whether the distance of the station from the Array
reaches this threshold during a period.
See Also
Coverage and Capacity Planning
Global Settings .11an
Global Settings .11bgn