User's Guide

Wireless Array
Using Tools on the Wireless Array 373
This window allows you to manage files for software images, configuration, and
Web Page Redirect (WPR), manage the system’s configuration parameters, reboot
the system, and use diagnostic tools.
About Licensing and Upgrades
The Array’s license determines some of the features that are available on the
Array. For example, the Application Control feature is an option that must be
separately licensed. To check the features supported by your license, see “Array
Information” on page 98.
If you are using XMS Cloud, then obtaining Array licenses and upgrading
software images is taken care of for you automatically.
When upgrading the Array for a new major release, the Array needs the new
license key that enables the operation of that release before upgrading. If you do
not obtain the new license first, the Array will display a message and revert to the
previous software image, rather than trying to run new software for which it is
not licensed. Major releases will need a new license key, but minor releases will
not. For example, to upgrade from ArrayOS Release 6.0.5 to Release 6.1, you must
enter a new license key. To upgrade from ArrayOS Release 6.0.1 to Release 6.0.3,
use your existing license key.
If you are not an XMS Cloud customer (licenses are automatically updated) or an
XMS customer who has set up a network wide update, you may use the Auto-
provisioning Start button to get an updated license from Xirrus before
performing an upgrade.
If you will be entering license keys and performing upgrades on many Arrays, the
effort will be streamlined by using the Xirrus Management System (XMS),
especially if you are using XMS Cloud.
Procedure for Configuring System Tools
These tools are broken down into the following sections: