User's Manual

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Wireless LAN Array
144 The Command Line Interface
Usage: security { radioid { all11g { broadcastkey }}}
Parameters: none
Description: Issue a new key if the previous non-key STA disassociates, or
the first non-key STA associates (optional)
Usage: security { radioid { all11g { capabilitychange }}}
Parameters: none
Description: Specify the time between key rotations (optional)
Usage: security { radioid { all11g { change <chgsecs> }}}
Parameters: <chgsecs> sets the time (in seconds) between key rotations
Description: Enable a cipher suite for encryption
Usage: security { radioid { allradios { encryption { ciphers { tkip {
tkipwep40 }}}}}}
Parameters: none
Description: Define a timeout period while waiting for a client station
Usage: security { radioid { all11g { client-timeout <ct01x> }}}
Parameters: <ct01x> sets the client time out, in seconds from 1 to 65555
Description: Specify the 802.1x STA timeout parameters
Usage: security { radioid { all11g { dot1x }}}
Parameters: none
Description: Define which WEP key will be used for data encryption
Usage: security { radioid { allradios { encryption <keynum> }}}
Parameters: <keynum> specifies the encryption key number, 1 to 4