User's Manual

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Wireless LAN Array
146 The Command Line Interface
Description: Specify the time between key rotations (optional)
Usage: security { radioid { all11g { membershiptermination }}}
Parameters: none
Description: Use the Message Integrity Check (MIC) function
Usage: security { radioid { allradios { encryption { ciphers { tkip {
tkipwep40 { mic }}}}}}}
Parameters: none
Description: Allow station to communicate with the XS-3900 with or
without encryption
Usage: security { radioid { allradios { encryption { optional }}}}
Parameters: none
Description: Use encryption key hashing (optional)
Usage: security { radioid { allradios { encryption { optional {
optkeyhash }}}}}
Parameters: none
Description: Choose which radio (or all radios)
Usage: security { radioid { allradios | all11a | all11g | <radionum> }}}
Parameters: <radionum> specifies the radio number (1 to 16)
Description: Define the reauthentication period, in seconds
Usage: security { radioid { all11g { reauth-period <reauthper> }}}
Parameters: <reauthper> specifies the time before the next authentication
attempt, between 1 and 65555 seconds