User's Manual

Table Of Contents
Wireless LAN Array
Appendix A: Quick Reference Guide 171
SSID Management Provides a snapshot of SSID (Service
Set IDentifier) assignments. It
includes the SSID name, whether or
not an SSID is visible on the network,
any security and QoS parameters
defined for each SSID, associated
VLAN IDs, guest access, and radio
availability per SSID.
Create SSID Create, delete (or restore) and manage
SSIDs. It also allows you to assign
security parameters and VLANs on a
per SSID basis.
Edit SSID Edit existing SSIDs and reassign
security parameters and VLANs on a
per SSID basis.
Security Provides a snapshot of XS-3900 global
security configuration parameters,
including administration accounts,
ACL values, WEP/WPA/WPA2
status, and RADIUS configuration
Security Management Establish the security parameters for
your wireless network, including
Radius Server Set up the XS-3900’s internal RADIUS
server, or set up an external RADIUS
server for user authentication.
Radius User Create, delete and manage RADIUS
user accounts.
MAC Access List Create new MAC-based Access
Control Lists (ACLs), delete existing
ACLs, and add, remove, or restore
MAC addresses.
Page Function